Dissertation Feedback
- Change the title that reflects what the essay is really about - current title too broad
- Introduction needs to be clear of what the essay is really about - suggest that colour theories are controversial, not everyone believes in them.
- Need to revise the research development
- Section of colour aura - statement of the guy who can see colour auras needs to be paraphrased - too long the statement to use as a quote
- Case study 1 is unclear whether I have done this case study or its someone elses. Also it should be clear that using my research I came up with advice of the different colour theories. And the advice that was implemented for the situation was Feng Shui because thats what Lara's belief was.
- Case study 2 isn't credible. Need to do more case studies. Can also use someone elses case study and analyze that apparently.
- After case studies that needs to be some sort of analysis of the cases and the research that is done. Comparing Feng Shui and Vaastu.
- Need to show that there was something that i learnt through this study - come to some sort of conclusion and understanding of everything.
3 days till first draft is due in. kill me now.