
Dissertation Feedback

- Change the title that reflects what the essay is really about - current title too broad

 - Introduction needs to be clear of what the essay is really about - suggest that colour theories are controversial, not everyone believes in them. 

- Need to revise the research development 

- Section of colour aura - statement of the guy who can see colour auras needs to be paraphrased - too long the statement to use as a quote

- Case study 1 is unclear whether I have done this case study or its someone elses. Also it should be clear that using my research I came up with advice of the different colour theories. And the advice that was implemented for the situation was Feng Shui because thats what Lara's belief was. 

- Case study 2 isn't credible. Need to do more case studies. Can also use someone elses case study and analyze that apparently.

- After case studies that needs to be some sort of analysis of the cases and the research that is done. Comparing Feng Shui and Vaastu. 

- Need to show that there was something that i learnt through this study - come to some sort of conclusion and understanding of everything. 

3 days till first draft is due in. kill me now.


Looking at different packaging ideas for my dissertation design module. Im still pretty clueless how I want to present my work. Maybe a colour therapy kit? Hmmm will keep thinking and researching. Came across this tooth fairy kit!!! i wish i was 7 and i had this kit! its so beautiful designed and cute!


Estorick Museum - The Poster King

Edward McKnight Kauffer exhibition provoking thoughts on advertising today. The work personally didnt appeal to me that much, also the advertising is very different to the 21st century work. I didn't find it thought provoking, it seemed like interesting art work to me.