
and the last 5 months of student life begin.....

Possible Ideas for Personal Brief

- Re-exploring my gen-y brief from 2nd year but looking more closely at handwriting as a dying art, and creating possible solutions that show it is a dying art, or create awareness of the art of handwriting 
- Re: Translation -   Printing out all the emails i receive in 72 hours - presenting the text/visuals in an alternative form. 
- How sexism and sexuality is used in typography
How has image-editing software influenced and distorted our perception of the female figure in fashion editorial?
- Are we giving away too much information about our lives as web technology advances? secrets 
- Feng Shui - how it affects us, the art of placement, colour, symbols
- Music - the beauty and meaning of lyrics - language - interpretation - feelings and emotions 
- What is coding? - Looking at communicating a message through coding or secret language that only the sender and receiver understand


Graph-ol-o-gy – The study of handwriting, especially when regarded as an expression of the writers character, personalities, abilities etc.

Background: Glorifying the use of computers and cool fonts from blog to blog seem to be a daily casual affair. Everyone is typing or texting (SMS), even documents that are passed around only require a signature. Today, many schools are shifting to computerized exams. Thus signaling the end of individualism and the entrée of some robotic techno future.

Brief: One must put a stop to this insanity by looking back to where it all came from, a more traditional art. I am interested in looking at how to remind people of this art, identity, beauty and sentimentality behind one’s handwriting. Look at the pros and cons of handwriting. Possibly even encourage handwriting?

Research: - Collect Results by conducting a survey investigating how often people write and how they feel about handwriting.
-       History of Handwriting
-       History of Writing Instruments – The Different Eras of Penmanship
-       Evolution of Pens – Uses and Benefits
-       History of Pens
-       Expression through handwriting - Handwriting Analysis
According to my results, if it is true that handwriting is no longer necessary to learn in the 21st century then I would like to find a way to make people want to practice it, or learn it, want to write, raise awareness of this issue. Dig deep into the history of handwriting.
Possible processes that I hope to incorporate would be screenprinting, possibly letterpress if I’m re-investigating the different processors according to the era’s and possibly mixed media.
Ideally I would like to have 3 possible outcomes/solution if not then the 1 outcome must be a solid idea.

Week 1 – Explore and collect research and starting to think of ways to either incorporate research as a final piece or find a solution – Intial Ideas
Week 2 – Lots and lots of experimentation
Week 3 – Final Piece – 3 outcomes

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